Dublin Moves to Level 3 Of Government Plan
Dublin City and County have be designated at level 3 of the Resilience and Recovery Plan for Living with COVID-19. The measure come into place from Midnight tonight. Dublin will remain at Level 3 for a period of 3 weeks, until Friday, 9th October. It will be then reviewed based on the status of the virus and the public health advice. Schools and early learning centres will remain open but all Third Level colleges will be closed.

Level 3 limits the number of people that can visit your home or garden, with a maximum of six visitor from one other household. No family or social gatherings can take place in other settings.
Vulnerable people
Those aged 70 years and over and the medically vulnerable should exercise judgement regarding the extent to which they engage with others.
Family Events and Religious Services
No more than 25 people may attend a wedding or funeral, but this limit will only come into effect from Monday, 21st of September. All religious services go online.
No organised indoor gatherings can take place, no exercise or dance classes, all museums and galleries and cultural attractions are closed.
Pubs, cafes and restaurants may only provide takeaway, outdoor dining and deliveries, while pubs not serving food, nightclubs and casinos are closed.
Visits to nursing and care homes are suspended, except for critical and compassionate circumstances.
Gyms and other venues may open with protective measures but only for individual training.
Organised outdoor gatherings of up to 15 people can take place.
No matches and events can take place, with exemptions for GAA and professional sports, all of which will be behind closed doors.
Playgrounds and parks remain open with protective measures in place.