653 Covid Cases Across Ireland

April saw a 26% drop in the number of reported COVID-19 cases across Ireland. Northern Ireland saw the biggest decrease of 41%, while the republic saw a drop of 21% for the month. The 30th of April saw a total of 569 new COVID-19 cases across the Island of Ireland. The HSE and the Department of health announced 569 cases. Northern Ireland will no longer update covid case number on weekends or bank holidays, their next update will be on Tuesday, May 4th. In total there have been 369,632 COVID cases since the pandemic began in 2020.

Republic of Ireland

The headline figures show a total of 569 new cases as of 12 midnight on the 30th of April, with 3 deaths reported. Overall 4,906 COVID related deaths have been announced.

The HSE and Department of Health announced full hospital figures for April 29th. The total number admitted to hospital with COVID-19 was 14,245 cases, a daily increase of 13.

A total of 14 Health Care Workers were diagnosed with COVID-19 on April 29th. A total of 28,649 health care workers contracted COVID-19 since the beginning of the pandemic in 2020.

A total of 205 Health Care Workers tested positive for COVID for the weekending the 24th of April, this represents 7% of the total COVID cases for that week. 148 people were admitted to hospital during that week, up 14 from the previous week.

April continued to see a significant drop in cases from March, 12,837 people were detected to have COVID a drop of 21%. In total 86 covid related deaths were reported, this compares to March's figure of 228.

Northern Ireland

The Northern Irish Health Department will no longer announce COVID numbers on weekends or bank holidays. For this reason our weekly numbers move to Tuesdays rather than the usual Saturday details.

April continued to see a significant drop in cases from March, 2,799 people were detected to have COVID a drop of 41%. In total 30 covid related deaths were reported, this compares to March's figure of 58. 137 people were admitted to hospital a drop of 182 from March. April 30th numbers were not available.

Area Total Cases Admissions Deaths
RoI Total 249,437 14,245 4,906
NI Total 120,195 9,341 2,145
Total 369,632 23,586 7,051

Republic of Ireland - Breakdown

Month Total Cases Health Care Workers Health Care Workers % Admissions Deaths
2020 93,552 13,367 14% 6,087 2,310
January 104,001 10,961 11% 4,863 1,403
February 22,720 2,875 13% 2,034 879
March 16,327 921 6% 643 228
April 12,837 525 4% 618 86
RoI Total 249,437 28,649 12% 14,245 4,906

Northern Ireland - Breakdown

Month Total Cases Admissions Deaths
2020 74,518 5,612 1,330
January 29,756 2,469 531
February 8,357 779 196
March 4,765 329 58
April 2,799* 9,341* 30*
Total 120,195 9,341 2,145

*April 30th figures not available