Fiscal Treaty Yes Vote Ahead, Labour Remain Low

The gap between they yes and no sides in the Irish Fiscal Treaty Referendum is narrowing as more people decide on how they will vote in the Referendum at the end of May. The Yes side saw a 2% decrease since the last Sunday Business Post/Red C Opinion Poll.

YES 47%
NO 35%


Meanwhile, the political parties are still seeing changes in support since the General Election 2011. A year on and both coalition partners have seen a drop in support. Labour have seen a massive drop in support with many voters on the Left moving towards the ULA (United Left Alliance) and Sinn Féin. The right remain close to Fine Gael but Fianna Fáil see their moderate voter slowly return with their support returning to their General Election levels.

Party Fine Gael Labour Fianna Fáil Sinn Féin Ind/Others
Support 32% 14% 17% 19% 18%
Election 2011 36% 19% 17% 10% 17%





