Live Register Decreases by 2,300 in July, 2012

The Central Statistic Office (CSO) Ireland has said that there has been a decrease of 2,300 in the numbers on the live register when seasonally adjusted for the month of July, 2012. The total number of people out of work was 437,300.

Standardised Unemployment Rate (SUR) in July 2012 was 14.8%, which is unchanged from June 2012. The Quarterly National Household Survey (QNHS) showed adjusted unemployment in the 1st quarter of 2012 was 14.8%.

In unadjusted terms there was a decrease of 2.1% or 9,961 less people signing on. Again the CSO has said there are slight changes overall.

- 800 men came of the live register in July 2012.
- Claims made by men decreased by 9,980 or -3.4%, while just 19 more women signed on.

The live register does not measure unemployment as it includes part-time works (3 day workers), season and casual workers entitled to Jobseeker's Benefit. Unemployment is measured by the QNHS.




