RTÉ Received €8.1m Extra in 2019

According to the Department of Communications Annual Report 2019 RTÉ received €8.1 million in extra funding in 2019 compared to 2018. In total RTÉ received €196.6 million in licence fee funding, this compares to €188.5 million in 2018. TG4's funding from the exchequer was restored in 2019, meaning its 2018 portion of the license fee of €4.5 million came to zero in 2019. The Broadcasting Authority of Ireland received €14.8 million in license fee funding in 2019, an increase of €300,000 from 2018. €222.7 million was raised from TV Licences in 2019.

The annual report also mentions the €9.3million extra provided to RTÉ at the beginning of 2020 from the exchequer, with an additional €700,000 going to the BAI.

Budget 2021 moves the National Symphony Orchestra (NSO) from RTÉ, which could result in savings of €7 million according to the Boaden report commissioned by RTÉ in 2018.

RTÉ could expect to see an increase in funding of €20million in 2021 compared to 2018 due to these changes.

RTÉ have yet to publish their Annual Report for 2019. Last week they published their Independent Productions Annual Report 2019, it showed that RTÉ had spend just over €2million on Independent Drama, and just over €3million on young peoples programming.