independentsFG 1 Point Ahead of SF
Monday June 28, 2021

Fine Gael is now just one point a head of Sinn Fein. Fine Gael are on 30% support according the the latest Red C poll for The Sunday Business Post. Sinn Fein are on 29%. Fianna Fail have yet to make any gains with 13%. The Green Party are on 5%. All other parties are on 12%, while independents are on 11%.

independentsJune Poll Puts SF 8 Points in Front
Wednesday June 23, 2021

Sinn Fein are 8 points ahead of their nearest rival Fine Gael. The poll was carried out by Ireland Thinks for The Irish Daily Mail on Sunday, the poll was taken on Saturday the 19th of June, 2021. Other parties are on 19%, followed by Fianna Fáil on 15% and then Independents on 8%.

independentsSF Remain 4 Points Ahead of Fine Geal
Friday June 18, 2021

SF remains 4 points ahead of FG in the latest Irish Time MRBI poll. The poll was taken on Monday 14th June, 2021 and Tuesday 15th of June, 2021. Fianna Fail were up 6 points since the last poll to 20% while the Green Party had a 6% share of the vote. All other parties had 8%, as did independents.

independentsSF Remain 2 Points Ahead of FG
Monday May 24, 2021

Sinn Fein and Fine Geal continue to be neck and neck. In the latest poll carried out by Behaviour and Attitudes for The Sunday Times Sinn Fein had 30% support, while FG have 28% support. Fianna Fail are on 22%, while only The Green Party reached 5% in this latest poll, with The Labour Party on 4, The Social Democrats on 2% and Solidarity-PBP on 1%. Other parties and Independents are on 8%

independentsSF 5 Points Ahead of FG in Latest Poll
Wednesday May 19, 2021

Sinn Fein are 5 points ahead of their nearest rival Fine Gael. Sinn Fein have 30% support, while Fine Gael have 25%. Fianna Fail remain low on 15%. The Social Democrats continue to slowly rise with 7%, while Aontu, the Labour Party, Solidarity-PBP and The Green Party are all under 5% support. The poll was conducted for The Irish Daily Mail by Ireland Thinks.

independentsRed C Poll Puts FG and SF at Top
Sunday April 25, 2021

Fine Gael remain on 30% in the latest Sunday Business Post/Red C poll. Sinn Féin dropped 2 points to 27% while Fianna Fail gained 2 points with 13% support. Independents and The Social Democrats saw no change, with 11% and 5% support respectively. Labour gained 1 point from the last poll with 5% support. The Green fell back to 4%.